Fluoride Varnish Application in Langley – Carvolth Dentistry
What does fluoride varnish do? Fluoride varnish is a dental treatment that involves applying a thin coating of fluoride to the surfaces of teeth to help prevent tooth decay and strengthen the enamel. It is a concentrated form of fluoride, typically containing 5% sodium fluoride, which is a safe and effective way to provide extra protection for teeth Here’s what fluoride varnish does and how it works: Prevents Tooth Decay: The primary purpose of fluoride varnish is to prevent tooth decay (dental caries). When applied to the teeth, fluoride helps to remineralize areas of enamel that may have been demineralized by acids produced by bacteria in the mouth. This remineralization process helps to repair early stages of tooth decay before they progress into cavities. Strengthens Tooth Enamel: Fluoride varnish strengthens tooth enamel , making it more resistant to acid attacks and the formation of cavities. Stronger enamel is less likely to break down and more ca...